Here’s a nice little video which was forwarded to me by my massively talented Web Designer/Uncle Rob.
I must admit, I found it very assuming, albeit slightly controversial.
We’ve all heard those stories from our friends, family members, partners, Great Aunt twice removed etc. regarding that dreaded “Driver Tester from Hell”
Although it’s only anecdotal, we still choose to believe these, somewhat bizarre tales.
Having been an ADI myself for the last 8 years, I too have heard some cracking stories involving “Driver Testers” & “Driving Test Candidates”, but to be fair. I have heard just as many stories, regarding “Driving Instructors from Hell” & I’ve met one or two myself on my own path to becoming a fully licenced driver, though my very last instructor was a class act!
I can look back fondly on some of these situations now & laugh, but it wasn’t exactly funny at the time.
Sadly though, we will have to leave those stories for another a day. . . . . .
Moving on. . . . .
There is a huge stigma attached to sitting the “Driving Test” & people do tend to put massive amounts of pressure on themselves & it is completely justified. I can honestly say that my own Driving Test in Finglas way back in July 2006 was quite a calming experience. Mostly because my driving instructor (Terry from Ambassador School of Motoring) was so thorough in preparing me for the exam. Literally every mistake I’d make, however minor, he’d pick up on it straight away. He was constantly in my ear (In a good way) & it worked!
During my actual driving test, because I was only being directed by the tester regarding which route to take & didn’t have Terry telling me what I did/didn’t do right. I didn’t even notice most of my mistakes, therefore I was able to remain pretty calm, for the most part.
My Driver Tester on that day was a very pleasant, courteous & extremely tall man. He even managed to remain friendly throughout the whole test, despite being crammed into my Noddy Red, 3 door, Nissan Micra Celebration, with his knees practically touching his chin. It was a fantastic day & the temperature was in the middle 20’s. To add insult to injury, I had no air conditioning. We had both the driver & passenger windows down & the sun roof was fully open. I think I even managed to get sun burned, though that’s not that unusual, for me.
I was lucky enough to pass on my first attempt, but I was certainly glad it was over. I could finally take my “L” Plates down, call my insurance company & proceed to the local off licence. Yep. Molloy’s, not Ballymun Motor Tax Office to apply for my full licence. In fairness, it was Friday evening.
My priorities have certainly changed over the years, but having a wife, two young children & running a business can do that to you, in a good way (Obviously).
I hope you enjoy this video as much as I have enjoyed sharing it.
Please feel free to comment on your Driving Test/Driving Instructor experiences, both positive & negative is fine.
I’m very much looking forward to hearing those.
Thanks for reading.
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