Pricing for Driving Lessons

We offer individual driving lessons, pay as you go, as well as the option to block book bundles of 6 or 12 hours tuition. We are happy to help you choose which option suits you best - Take your pick!

Pre Payment Update

To avoid disappointment please get in touch prior to purchasing any of our lesson bundles, as high demand slots tend to book out weeks in advance.
Terms & Conditions

It is very important to note that all students MUST provide at least 24 HOURS notice if cancelling either prepaid or unpaid lessons.

If a student fails to provide proper notice they will be charged/deducted for the time slot they had booked.

The 24 HOURS notice is simply to allow all vacant slots to be filled.

If you fail to give the required 24 HOURS notice you are taking the opportunity away from another student to learn. 

Keep in mind that most other driving schools will ask for atleast 48 HOURS notice prior to cancellations.

By booking lessons with Motorvate Driving School you are agreeing to these terms & conditions.

Your co-operation & your custom is greatly appreciated!


Drive First Insurance Discount

Make a 20 % Saving on your First-time Driver Insurance!

Click the logo below for details!

To Book, Call Keith on 085 737 0951